Recorded For A Generation To Come: That A People That Is "Not a People" May Praise The Lord
George Marshall - 11/15/2020
Call to worship: Psalm 40
Text: Psalm 102
Sermon Outline:
- The day of my distress (vv.1-11)
- The appointed time (vv.12-22)
- The time has come (vv.12-17)
- A generation to come (vv.18-22)
- Your years have no end (vv.23-28)
Questions to Consider:
- Read Hebrews 1, then consider: what does the author of Hebrews tell us about Jesus? Why is his message better?
- Read 1 Peter 2:9-12. What does Peter mean when he says that his readers were once "not a people"?
- How do God's promises affect our suffering? Is your answer actually informing the way you respond to the world around you?
- How does God's eternality relate to our suffering? What "bridges the gap" between his timelessness and our present struggle against sin?
- How is it helpful to read Psalm 102 as if the Davidic king is its speaker? How does this Psalm help you come to the Father in prayer?