Call to worship: Proverbs 8:1-11
Text: John 18:28-40
Unable to find anything condemnable in Him, Jewish leadership delivers Jesus to Pilate. Callously straining at gnats, they'd rather not enter Pilate's quarters than have God's Christ take over their hearts. They prove ignorant of the true meaning of the Passover, while proving no less ignorant of Christ and themselves. To show their intent, and fulfill the Word of Christ, they would have Pilate deliver Him to the cross. What they think to discredit Jesus once for all, God has designed to His glory. Pilate tries Jesus, only to have Jesus try him. He is a King---the King of Heaven. He came into the world, not to bury Rome, but to bear witness to the Truth. To Pilate's question, 'What have you done?,' Jesus essentially answers, 'I've come into the world.' Pilate is content to be dismissive of the Truth; though he does seek to free Him. Underestimating the zeal of the people to be rid of this innocent Man, He's substituted, the Savior for the sinner. So the stage is set for the wisdom and power of God in the cross of Jesus Christ.
Sermon Outline:
1. Sinners seeking the cross for Jesus---Truth despised. (18:28-32)
2. Jesus revealing His Kingdom to Pilate---Truth dismissed. (18:33-38a)
3. Jesus taking the place of Barabbas---Truth displayed. (18:38b-40)
Disucssion Questions:
1. Read John 18:28-40.
2. In 18:28, what is the sad irony for the Jewish people, spearheaded by their leadership? What assertions are made and/or implied in 18:29-30? Are any charges actually made against Jesus? In what ways might we worship 'worship', only to miss or 'execute' Christ? Might they have put Jesus to death themselves? Why might they be adamant that Jesus be killed by crucifixion? Why is John's narration in 18:32 so important? Who is the Author of the cross of Christ?
3. What do you make of Jesus' initial response to Pilate's first question? And also to Pilate's answer? Does Jesus seem to be anyone of significance to Pilate? What about the King of the Jews? Again, what's the irony in all of that? See Psalm 2.
4. Pilate asks Jesus what He's done for His own people to want Him dead by crucifixion. What is Jesus' answer to that question? How does His answer alleviate any concern Pilate might have? How also does it still shift the concern in another direction? For what purpose did Jesus come into the world? Throughout John, how have we seen Jesus make perfect on this purpose? Why does one embrace His voice and, perhaps, another not? How is the revelatory ministry of Jesus two-fold?
5. In the middle of 18:36, Jesus gives one aspect that differentiates His Kingdom from the kingdoms of men. What is it? How are we to see majesty then in His misery? Royalty in the cross? What demonstration do we receive in 18:38b-40 that alights the heart of Christ, the achievement of His cross, the truth of His Kingdom, available to the worst of sinners? What aspects of the Gospel do you find in these verses? Revel in the cross of the King of kings!