When Loving God Unsteadies Life: Heavenly Wisdom for Suffering Saints, Part 2

Brian Mahon - 5/12/2024


Call to worship: Proverbs 4:7-13

Text: James 1:5-12


Continuing the theme of embattled Christian living, James exalts wisdom as a pivotal excellency. For seasons where loving God unsteadies life, get wisdom. But how so? By asking God for it in faith. James simply exhorts believers to be believers. Doubting is the evil twin of faith. It reveals a spiritually unstable person very much in danger of compromise under trial. Against doubt, he offers 'articles of faith' for faith: God is God, God has what you need, God delights to give it generously, and God honors 'the prayer of faith,' the prayer that believes God as He is. And if doubt endangers, so too do the anti-trusts that enter through that door. Here, it's the anonymity and/or publicity of one's social status. Wisdom grabs ahold of what's solid and everlasting, however invisible. It helps us see through the fog of earthly status to the radiance of heavenly status, so that we can afford whatever the cost of living publicly for Jesus. Setting aside doubt to gain wisdom in application of its eternal perspective is basic to loving God without limits. Such are assured: God will grant them Life.

Sermon Outline:

  1. When loving God unsteadies life, know what's pivotal for standing fast---get wisdom. (1:5a)
  2. When loving God unsteadies life, know the perils to standing fast---overcome them. (1:5b-11)

  3. a: The peril of doubt, and overcoming it. (1:5b-8)
    b: The peril of status, and overcoming it. (1:9-11)
  4. When loving God unsteadies life, know the prize for standing fast---live for Life. (1:12)


Discussion Questions:

  1. Read James 1:1-12.
  2. Some find James 1 to be disconnected. How does 1:12 counter that idea? What is James continuing to address in these first verses? How does 1:5 connect with 1:4? Of all the things we could gain through steadfastness in trial, what does James exalt as most pivotal? How would you define wisdom? How does the Bible? How does James (3:17-18)? How does the origin of wisdom define wisdom in difficult situations (1:5)?
  3. If we find ourselves lacking wisdom, what does James exhort? What can hinder gaining wisdom? How is a doubting soul very much in danger of compromise under trial? What 'articles of faith' does James confess for our faith in 1:5-8?
  4. James moves freely from exhorting the doubting Christian to exhorting Christians tempted to boast in their social status (1:9-11). Why? What's the relationship between doubting God and unduly exalting earthly preservatives? If God seems like sinking sand, what will sinking sand seem to be, and vice versa? How might wisdom help settle us on solid ground, so that persist under trial?
  5. How does James conceive of the whole of the Christian life in 1:12? Why would love for God unsteady life? What role does wisdom play in loving God without limits, loving God 'with love incorruptible'? Of what is the life-long lover of God assured? Think Stephen (Acts 7:54-60).
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