Winning the War Within: How Friendship with God Preserves the Family of God, Part 2

Brian Mahon - 7/7/2024


Call to worship: Matthew 23:1-12

Text: James 4:7-12


    We win the war within by cultivating the power that is friendship with God. And we cultivate that by knowing the deal (4:4), heeding His passion (4:5), and believing His promise (4:6). But James isn't done. Even the demons believe. The Christian then will exercise a living faith in God's promise of more grace. The next aspect of cultivating the power of friendship with God is applied humility. We must actionably humble ourselves, laying our full weight upon the low foot pedal of the great Fountain. Such humility consists in trusting the promise and wanting the power of God's friendship (4:7-9). And with our passions victorious by the presence of God, we'll find ourselves best positioned to promote the overall peace and righteousness of our local church (4:11-12), to the glory and power of God's grace in Jesus Christ.

Sermon Outline:

  1. The power of God's friendship is given to humility applied. (4:7-10)
  2. This power positions us to promote a pregnant peace in our church. (4:11-12)


Discussion Questions:

  1. Read James 4:7-12.
  2. How does 4:7-8a relate to the promise of 4:6? How do 4:6 and 4:10 serve as 'guides to the guts' of 4:7-9?
  3. Is it enough to believe the promise (of 4:6) in terms of mental assent (2:19)? What will living faith do that distinguishes it just so? What part of the first three imperatives is humility applied? What is the grace that comes to us once applied? What's the gist of the several charges in 4:8b-9? Why is James sure to add a word about cleansing the heart along with the hands (4:8b; read also Matthew 23:1-12)?
  4. For what does the power of friendship with God position our passions? Read 4:11-12 in light of 3:18-4:1. What several themes of James do you detect converging in 4:11-12? Why is the peace of the local church so important? Consider again 3:18, but also 1:17-21, etc. How is it a 'pregnant' peace?
  5. What's the relationship between the use of our tongues, the law of love, and being a doer of the Word? And how does James now underscore the priority of our passions to all of that? How does a humble heart position us to promote the glory and power of the risen Christ (4:12a-b) in a local church?

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