A Sermon for a New Year

Brian Mahon - 12/29/2024


Call to worship: Psalm 62:5-11

Text: 1 Corinthians 2:1-5


As we head into a new year, Paul's ambition serves to remind us of the heart of ministry: Jesus Christ and Him crucified. Crossing barriers, Paul came to the Corinthians to proclaim the testimony, not of men, but of God, not as man, but as a new man, not in exaltation of himself, but finding all in Jesus Christ and Him crucified; and not in a show of manly strength and ability, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, and all to this great end: that our faith might not rest in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God. Paul's ambition was the divine application of the divine articulation of the divine revelation for a divine congregation. Powerfully and comprehensively, it was Christ over all in the heart of God's elect. May the Lord be pleased to continue such a work in us as we head into a new year.

Main idea(s):

We exist to display the glory of God's grace in Jesus Christ BY PROCLAIMING HIM to all peoples for their everlasting joy in God.

Sermon Outline:

  1. Paul's determination in faithful proclamation (2:1-2)
  2. Paul's demonstration in faithful proclamation (2:3-4)
  3. Paul's destination in faithful proclamation (2:5)


Discussion Questions:

  1. Read 1 Corinthians 2:1-5.
  2. When Paul came to the Corinthians, what did he do? Why did he do it? Whose testimony did he share?
  3. Why would the author of the testimony impact how the testimony was proclaimed? How does it impact the manner of Paul's proclamation? What's meant by lofty speech and wisdom? What is the counter to it in v. 2? What do you make of Paul preaching nothing except Jesus Christ and Him crucified? What's meant? What's encompassed? What's assumed by Paul in making that determination?
  4. Was Paul's preaching in demonstration of himself and his own abilities? In what does Paul boast concerning himself? Why and/or how is weakness, fear, and much trembling a powerful condition for the conveyor of Christ? What is demonstrated in faithful preaching? Why 'of the Spirit'? Why 'of power'?
  5. What is the foundational desire at bottom of all faithful preaching, v. 5? Who does it concern? What does it concern? As God is faithful and merciful, what is the effect of faithful preaching and preachers/teachers/disciples upon the body of Christ? Who is the hero of/in/after every sermon? Is it the preacher? If not, who? How does this brief passage inform and shape your understanding, not only of true, faithful, powerful preaching, but of your participation in proclaiming Jesus?
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