They Lifted Their Voices Together

George Marshall - 1/5/2025


Call to worship: Isaiah 12:1-6

Text: Acts 4:23-31


Rescued from jail and threatened for sharing what Jesus has done for his people, Peter and John join the gathered church for prayer. They reflect on the work of Christ, and the sustaining power of Christ that will push the gospel and the church forward.

Main idea(s):

The trinitarian backbone of prayer, allegiance to heaven's king and trust in God's providence, the furtherance of the gospel through the church

Sermon Outline:

  1. Divine Providence
  2. Divine Operation
  3. Shaken, Not Stirred


Discussion Questions:

  1. Read Acts 3:1-4:31. What prompts the imprisoning of Peter and John? What were they going to do and where? What might we learn from their response(s) to the lame man's request and the people?
  2. How is the prayer and Scripture offered by Peter (4:24-28), John and the church related to the efforts of the council to silence the testimony to Jesus' resurrection (4:1-22)?
  3. Who is prayer offered to? Whose witness provides comfort to the church and the grounds for prayer? What part does Jesus play? What does this tell us about the work of the triune God in and through the church?
  4. What does the church pray for? How are their prayers answered? Are these things we as a body pray for? Are these things you in private devotions ask God to do? Do their prayers focus more on the experience of the church or individuals in the church, or on God's actions and glory?
  5. Where does the church's confidence reside? How is the experience of Acts 4:23-31 prescriptive for the church? How is the text descriptive of the early church? What challenges to the modern "Western" church does this passage present?
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