The Prioritization and Priorities of the Gospel-Worthy Life

Brian Mahon - 9/22/2019


Text: Philippians 1:27-2:2


Questions to Consider:

  1. In verse 27a, how might you characterize the manner of life that's worthy of the Gospel? Have you thought on the importance of living in a way that commends the message and Person of Jesus? In verse 27b, why might Paul lean into the priorities of such living expecting that they'd be found obedient whether he was present or absent?
  2. In verse 27c, how would you summarize the first priority of the Gospel-worthy life? Why might Paul be concerned about this (cf. 4:1)? What two 'actions' does he commend? Why 'stand firm'? Why 'strive'? Why 'side by side'? What 'for'? What is 'the faith of the Gospel'?
  3. How might what Paul says in 1:27c lead into what he says in 1:28? What's the connection? Why shouldn't we fear anything from our opponents (he gives at least three reasons in verses 28-30)? There's some interesting theology in 1:29. Is faith our doing, or God's doing in us? Also, have you considered suffering for Christ a packaged grace with the faith that saved you? Consider Matthew 5:11-12, Acts 5:41, Romans 5:3-5, 1 Peter 4:13-14. Are these surprising to discover? Is suffering for Christ a sign that God's displeased with us or, dare we say, loving us?
  4. Coming down off of the topic of suffering for Christ, 2:1 moves to comfort Christians in the conflict. How so? Have we thought on the few things that Paul puts before us? If these things exist in the local church, as they will in any true and healthy local church, that church will certainly be well off, but will it be complete? What needs to be added according to Paul? How might these things in verse 1 impact the one thing in verse 2?
  5. In verse 2, Paul says his joy is not complete until what? How might unity in the local church show and serve the advance of the Gospel? Do we consider unity to be as important as the apostle Paul? What about Jesus? Read John 17:20-23. If we're struggling in any one of these priorities, where should we look? Look just ahead at Phil 2:5-11.
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