To Live is Christ: For the Progress, Joy, and Boast of the Church in Jesus

Brian Mahon - 9/15/2019


Text: Philippians 1:18-26


Questions to Consider:

  1. In verses 18b-20, what do you understand to be the short of Paul's resolve? What's the long of it?
  2. In those same verses, Paul mentions a means of grace that'll enable him to be true to this resolve. What is it? Do we engage in this for one another? We must.
  3. In verse 21, Paul writes those famous words. It literally reads, 'to live, Christ; to die, gain.' Christ is all of life to Paul and death, therefore, gain. Can we say the same with a clear conscience? Can we at least identify with him? If not, what sort of adjustments do we need to make to our lives? What might we add, subtract, multiply, etc.? How might we use such a verse to encourage the saints? How might we use it to evangelize the lost?
  4. In verses 22-24, Paul seems to explain what precisely what he means by verse 21. He's already done this somewhat in verses 12-18a. What does he add now? How would Paul answer the great question about 'the meaning of life?' Is serving the well-being of the church a central part of your life?
  5. In verses 25-26, Paul teases out three aims in that service. What are they? How do they coincide? Are they are on our radar as primary goals in the life of the church?
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